Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Vas happenin

Currently working as a part-timer at a boutique. Trying to earn extra money because I have a debt to be settled. A summon from the jpj. The road tax has overdue but then still, I gutlessly drove the car. So much guts, Sha. Long story short, need to attend a session in the court at the 11th of February. And to assume, it would be a sum of 600 ringgit to be paid off. Earning 50 ringgit per day so have to at least work for 12 days straight, I guess well you do the maths. And I'm currently on my day 6th.

My usual view while working

I have this one impulsive disorder where I would do things intuitively and thinking that it would be one hell of an adventure and not to consider the logical consequences. I should have been aware that driving a car that has an expired road tax sticker would have cost me troubles but then I was so busy being spontaneous and impromptu I put aside of what bad things that could have happened. Brava Sha. It costs you a period of 12 intense working days for a less than an hour fun driving. Good riddance. 

But yes another shawesome disorder of mine (my friends coined that shawesome word which is frankly quite narcisisstic whenever I used it as a hashtag but still so much swag), where I would never learn lessons from my past. I wish I'm good in reflecting my past mistakes as guidance to a better life of mine. I could have used that 600 ringgit to buy a new handphone but then I simply blew the money off towards the summon thing. My life has been too unsafe lately, I should stop doing dangerous things and start being an adult (bluek).  

And on an unrelated note, I have decided, that I wanna start saving stash. I wanna save up on my meal expenses so that on my next birthday, I can get myself a birthday present which is, the iPhone 6. HEE. I have felt that satisfaction where I worked hard and saved up to buy that one thing like this one

it's a laptop that I have been aiming for, and to buy it using my part time job's salary, that is one supersweet feeling I tell ya. And yes, I wanna feel that again. But I can tell that this one is a whole different thing. Instead of buying it using wholly the money I earned, I wanna buy that phone using mostly the money I saved. 

3K. Maybe I would start skipping dinner and stop eating junk foods. And some extra part time job would help I digress. And if you are happened to read this, mak ayah, I will do just fine, don't you worry hihihihi. Berusaha!