Friday, August 5, 2011

Ramadhanu Kareem

Try to perceive this Ramadhan, as the last Ramadhan of ours. Make full use of it. Allahwills, we'll be farther apart from the unbearable An-Nar. Na'uzubillah. Allahu Akram.

To A, do be aware that I am so not into you at all. Stop being jealous or having any irrelevant feeling of yours. I'm not yours and vicevers. It made my hair stands at its end when it comes to those romantic, touchyfeely words of yours. I have no idea what else should I say to give you full closure. I have Allah to be worshipped, family&friends to be taken care of, books to be read, tasks to be done, body to be showered, tummy to be filled, brain to be well-equipped & a blog to be updated. So concluded, i have no time for any loveydovey things. Not for you. Not for anyone else too. Friends yes. But that is the bottom line. Nothing more, nothing less. Period.